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首页 > 新闻中心 > 包材生产者不是工人 是艺术家 包装,做不好你就知错
包材生产者不是工人 是艺术家 包装,做不好你就知错
发布时间:2019-12-03        浏览次数:24        返回列表











The producer of the packaging material is not a worker. It is an artist.


Packaging, if you don't do it, you know what's wrong.


In the past, the inner social beauty of the United States and the external beauty of the important values ​​of the United States and the external beauty, so that people are ashamed to express their desire for beauty, but also makes people think that the external beauty is not important. However, today, when the red light is illegally photographed, it is necessary to ask whether there is a beauty function. Today, people's pursuit of beauty is completely released. Even within a certain range, people associate external beauty with inner beauty.


For example, we often hear: "Boss, how is your product packaging printed so badly? Fake?" and "Look at the way your product is packaged, your product will not be graded." linked with factors such as quality, it becomes an important reference for consumers to buy. No matter how the company refutes, consumers can tell you with a voice: "If you are careless about packaging, how can people believe in their intentions?" ?"


Therefore, product packaging is a kind of thing that “does well done, it may be difficult to find value, but if you don’t do it well, you know what’s wrong”, therefore, choosing high-quality packaging is not something that can be loaded, as the industry often says. Good packaging protection products, but excellent packaging protection brand."


They are not workers, they are artists.


Speaking of the production of packaging materials, perhaps many people think of the rumbling production machine operating in the cold ice shop, but in fact, the production of packaging materials is a special industry, because this is also a beautiful industry, communicate with them, talk about The beauty of color and the aesthetics of craftsmanship are like artists.